Aged Care

Supporting your move into aged care


Southern Regional Medical Group (SRMG) provides trusted healthcare services to residents of aged care facilities in Albany, Western Australia.

This unique service is primarily delivered by a Nurse Practitioner (NP), in collaboration with your GP. Our NP visits each residential aged care facility once a week to check in with residents and provide care where needed. Using this service, you can get prescriptions, referrals to specialists, and even orders for x-rays, blood tests and other diagnostic tests. It saves a trip to the GP and gives you peace of mind that your health needs are being looked after.

SRMG’s team of GPs are also available when required. If you are moving into an aged care facility and you’re an existing patient at SRMG, your long-term GP will continue your care. If this is not possible or you’re a new patient, we’ll recommend a GP who best suits your individual needs. Your NP and GP will regularly touch base about your needs and wellbeing.

Comprehensive Medical Assessments (CMAs)

A CMA is usually done soon after admission into an aged care facility, and then annually. It involves a thorough medical review, including physical and psychological functioning. Your NP collects all relevant information, takes a patient history and performs a physical examination. This information is then reviewed by the GP, who completes the CMA and outlines any recommendations, investigations or changes to care.


Your NP can write and send regular prescriptions to your chosen pharmacy, and can also prescribe new medications if required. If you need a medication that an NP is not allowed to prescribe, your NP can ask your GP to write the script for you. If medication is due, your pharmacy can email your NP and GP a script request and the medication is then safely delivered to your residence.


Your NP and GP may order blood tests, urine tests or other pathology samples if needed. Staff from the pathology centre can then visit you to collect the sample and send to the lab for analysis. Results are sent to your NP or the GP (usually the medical practitioner who requested it).

Advanced care planning

To help you make decisions about what type of care you would or wouldn’t like to receive if you became seriously unwell and couldn’t communicate your wishes, your NP and GP can discuss advanced care planning with you and your family. While it can be daunting, it helps health professionals understand and follow your treatment preferences.

We highly recommend that each resident takes this step.

Residential Medication Management Review (RMMR)

This is a medication review conducted by an accredited pharmacist, referred by your GP. It is beneficial if you’re at risk of medication-related harm for example, if you take multiple medications, high risk medications or have had a significant change in your health. Your NP and GP will regularly check and review your list of medications, and may refer to a participating Pharmacist for an RMMR as required.

Family meetings & case conferences

There may be times when you and your family should meet in person with multiple members of your healthcare team such as your aged care staff, allied health professionals, specialists, your NP and GP. At such meetings, everyone involved in your care works together to discuss your needs and formulate a plan. It’s all about working together to improve your care and quality of life.

Telehealth consultations

Your NP and GP can both conduct telehealth consultations. This can be helpful if the aged care facility is in lockdown due to an infectious disease, or if our team can’t attend in person.

While we always prefer face-to-face visits, telehealth consults are a practical alternative.