Skin tears occur when the top layer of skin peels away from the underlying tissue by friction and or blunt trauma. This peeled away skin if carefully placed back in its original position quickly will retake.
As people age their skin becomes more fragile and papery and the risk of skin tears increases.
Skin tears can be painful and can lead to complications such as infection and delayed wound healing if not treated in a timely and appropriate manner.
It cannot be stressed enough that skin tears need to be treated, cleaned and dressed appropriately as soon as possible.
Failure to correctly treat a skin tear may result in an open wound requiring weeks of dressings. Wounds that become open for extended periods of time are prone to infection, which may then require antibiotic treatment and an even longer healing times.
If you get a skin tear never cut the skin away, and always present to a GP clinic (or your hospital emergency department if GP services are not available) straight away for proper wound cleaning, correct replacement of skin and appropriate dressings.
Getting professional treatment straight away increases the chance that the loose skin remains viable and that it is given the best chance of retaking to the wound site.
Prompt treatment may mean one or two visits to a health care provider for treatment, but delayed treatment may result in complications resulting in weeks of visits to a health care provider.
This article has been written by our nurse Brett Turbill