Chronic Disease Management & Preventative Health

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We are about working with you so that you feel in control and can look to the future with confidence. This centres on education, condition monitoring and treatment optimisation so you have the greatest health.

What is preventative health?

Preventative health focuses on the relationship between the GP and patient. By working collaboratively with you, we can help prevent illness, detect disease earlier and promote and maintain your health. Preventative health is an important component of our patient-centred care at Southern Regional Medical Group and spans from pregnancy to new-born babies and right through to the elderly population. At our clinic, preventative health centres around patient empowerment achieved through a close working relationship with your GP and other health providers.

Specifically, preventative health entails lifestyle optimisation, minimising your risk of communicable disease through immunisations, cancer screening in an evidence based manner, cardiovascular risk factor screening and optimisation, detection and management of mental health conditions and screening of eye and bone health. Ask our staff about our health checks to start the ball rolling.

How does Chronic Disease Management and Preventative Health differ at Southern Regional Medical Group?

We believe in taking extra time to nurture the patient-GP relationship. We are here to partner with you through your life journey and act as your advocate, helping you navigate complex life and health care decisions. We’ll collaborate with you to achieve solutions that recognise your unique life stage, and use an evidence based approach when choosing diagnostic tests and treatment to avoid over-diagnosis and unnecessary treatment. If other health professionals need to be involved, you can be sure they also are of world standard and have been carefully selected.

As a male, should I consider undergoing a Health Check at Southern Regional Medical Group?

Males carry a greater burden of ill-health through every decade of their lives, but utilise health services and preventative health strategies less than females. If you bother having your car serviced regularly,

why not do the same for your body? SRMG has developed a unique Health Check specifically designed for our busy male patients, to enable you to monitor and improve your health.

What about for females?

We also offer a similar Health Check for females, which additionally includes breast & cervical screening test when appropriate. Please call our reception staff to find out more.