It is normal to feel excited and special when you are pregnant but it is also very normal for worries and stress to increase as well. You might feel anxious about the changes to body, your forthcoming labour, money, relationships or how you will parent your new baby. Increased levels of anxiety in pregnancy can become a real problem.
And right now we are in a difficult period of social distancing. You could feel even more worried without your usual work and social supports. Exercise is a challenge and you might be cooped up at home with small children.
About half of women with anxiety during pregnancy will also have some depression. Men can also suffer from increased anxiety and depression during their partner’s pregnancy.
Anxiety can be treated. It is important to talk to someone – your GP is a great place to start.
Try some simple modifications to your life:
Eat regularly during each day and chose healthy foods
Get some exercise every day (even just a walk around the back garden)
Lie down and relax (tune into your growing baby)
Do some breathing exercises
Maintain your social connections through Facetime, phone calls and even a Zoom link-up with a bunch of mates!
There are some excellent resources that provide telephone and online counselling options: The Gidget Foundation (1300 851 758), PANDA (1300 726 306) and Beyond Blue (1300 224 636).
Medication is the right treatment for some women with anxiety. Your GP can help chose the right medication, if required, which is safe for both mum and baby.
Most importantly of all, please try to remember that you really are not alone.
This article has been written by Dr Liz Tompkins